LA is finally getting its own biennial — although, at this point it is just an exhibition with intent to continue biannually… Organized by the Hammer Museum in conjunction with LA><ART, and taking place in several locations including the Hammer, LA><ART, and LA Municipal Art Gallery at Barnsdall Park as well as a special weekend “Biennial within a Biennial,” the Venice Beach Biennial on Ocean Front Walk, the exhibition is set to showcase some exciting emerging artists as well as local favorites. The recently announced list is included below with some representative images (note: many of the artists are multi-media and sound artists and are not best represented through static visual imagery):
Scoli Acosta

Scoli Acosta, Rising Night Lilly, White
Kathryn Andrews

Kathryn Andrews, Bowman, 2011, aluminum, paper, ink
Animal Charm
Math Bass
Scott Benzel
Sarah Cain

Sarah Cain, As You Continue to Walk Forward, 2008
Sarah Conaway

Sarah Conaway, Foam Fold 1, Black & white c-print, 2008
Fiona Connor

Fiona Connor, Murals and Print, Installation at Various Small Fires, Venice, CA, 2012
Kate Costello

Kate Costello, Tattooed Ladies, Wallspace gallery
Meg Cranston

Meg Cranston, 2006
Nzuji de Magalhães

Nzuji de Magelhaes, One More River to Cross, 2006, fabric paint on felt
Michelle Dizon

Michelle Dizon, Empire, Luckman Gallery, Cal State LA
Roy Dowell

Roy Dowell, Untitled (#995), 2010
Zackary Drucker

Zackary Drucker and Manuel Vason, excerpt from Don't Look At Me Like That, 2010
Patricia Fernández

Patricia Fernandez Carcedo, Left, After 1975
Cayetano Ferrer
Dan Finsel

Dan Finsel, I Would Love Farrah, Farrah, Farrah (I), 2009, still from HD video
Morgan Fisher
Simone Forti
Liz Glynn

Liz Glynn, On the Museum's Ruins (Morris-Hunt - Corbusier - Piano), detail
Mark Hagen

Mark Hagen, To Be Titled (Additive Painting #27), 2011
Zach Harris

Zach Harris, 247th Heaven
Kenyatta A. C. Hinkle

Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle, The Take Over, 2009
Channa Horwitz

Channa Horwitz, Variation + Invertion on a Rhythm Matrix #1, 1990
Pearl C. Hsiung

Pearl C. Hsiung, And We Want It Now, 2010
Ashley Hunt

Ashley Hunt, As Flowers Turn Toward the Sun, The Contemporary Museum, 2006
Vishal Jugdeo

Vishal Jugdeo, Square Configuration (Decorum) Study, 2009, HD Video projection
Mimi Lauter

Mimi Lauter, Frauline Freude, 2010
Thomas Lawson

Thomas Lawson, Stars, 2009
Nery Gabriel Lemus

Nery Gabriel Lemus, Until the Day Breaks and Shadows Flee, 2010, Installation at Project Row Houses, Houston
Dashiell Manley

Dashiell Manley, Untitled (alphabet g), 2011
Allison Miller
Nicole Miller
Meleko Mokgosi

Meleko Mokgosi, Pax Afrikaner: Full Belly (parts 2 and 4)
Zac Monday

Zac Monday, Blue Figure, 2006
Ruby Neri

Ruby Neri, Untitled (Painted Ceramic), 2011
D’Ette Nogle

D'Ette Nogle, Reality/Relax, 2011
Alex Olson

Alex Olson, Iterations, 2012
Michele O’Marah

Michele O'Marah, A Girl's got to Do What a Girl's Got to Do, 2009, installation
Camilo Ontiveros

Camilo Ontiveros, Temporary Storage
Joel Otterson

Joel Otterson, Queen of Rock, 1994
Karthik Pandian

Karthik Pandian, Darkroom (still from the film Kunst-Wet), 2008
The Propeller Group
Vincent Ramos
Laura Riboli

Laura Riboli, Untitled (triangles), 2009
Ry Rocklen

Ry Rocklen, Two Faced Vase, 2010
Miljohn Ruperto

Miljohn Ruperto, Spherical Projections of Rectangles in Mirror Symmetry with Black Circle, 2011, HD Video
Analia Saban

Analia Saban, Fade Out (from Black) #2, 2011
Brian Sharp
Ryan Sluggett

Ryan Sluggett, Untitled, 2011, projected digital video
David Snyder
Jill Spector

Jill Spector, Collage study #2, 2008
Koki Tanaka
Henry Taylor

Henry Taylor, Untitled, 2004
Caroline Thomas
Cody Trepte

Cody Trepte, Its Endless Undoing, 2012
Erika Vogt

Erika Vogt, Centennial Tin, 2006
Lisa Williamson

Lisa Williamson, Untitled (Sag), 2008
Brenna Youngblood

Brenna Youngblood, The Army, 2005